Property Transactions Executed Online

A Faster, More Accountable and Transparent Way to Legally Sell Property Online


Digital Signatures

Online Legal Offers

Online Exchanges

Immutable Audit Trails

Stored on Blockchain


Digital Signatures

Online Legal Offers

Online Exchanges

Immutable Audit Trails

Stored on Blockchain

About the Platform

clicktopurchase® is a platform for transacting property sales online. It provides the facility for a legally binding clicktopurchase® exchange of contracts (digitally signed) to be conducted electronically online as part of the sales process.

Please note: variations may occur depending upon territory.

clicktopurchase® is secure (SSL) and legal (Digitally Signed) with an immutable audit trail stored on Blockchain.

clicktopurchase® is proven to deliver a faster and more certain sale for all involved in the transaction process.


properties transacted by CTP


of value

Our Self-Certification Guarantee

As a pioneer in the online execution of real estate purchase contracts and a company with a long and well-established track record, we recognise the recommendations of the Government’s Industry Working Group and certify best performance standards.

Online Property Execution


Sales Channels

Sales channels offer alternative means for concluding a sale online with our unique online property execution platform. You can select the most appropriate channel at any time during the sales process.



Email notifications keep parties advised of all activities, from bidder verifications through to legal acceptance of offers. The data is secured in our immutable audit trails and recorded in blockchain.


Online Exchanges

Acceptance of a clicktopurchase® offer results in an online legal commitment with an instant electronic contract formed, attaching legally binding digital signatures.

Please note: variations may occur depending upon territory.


Monitor Data

Monitor property data, process flow, audit trails, property impressions, clicks and more to see interactions in real time. Control and record access to legal documentation.

Revolutionising the Property Sales Process

clicktopurchase® is revolutionising the property sales process as our online property execution platform makes buying and selling a property easy, whilst delivering certainty, transparency, accountability and trust. It enables distant buyers to transact as easily as a local purchaser and brings the huge benefits of liquidity, speed and flexibility, backed up by an immutable audit trail.

Why clicktopurchase® ?


A clicktopurchase® offer, whether by clicktopurchase® private treaty, or “Best Offers” / Expressions of Interest / Tender, is a legally binding commitment by a purchaser which, if accepted, results in an instant online exchange of contracts.


All actions, from the verification of a purchaser, offers and online exchanges, indeed the entire process, are all recorded electronically, so both buyer and seller have full transparency and history of all exchanges.


Our easy and fast approach provides for all purchasers to pass a verification process before they are able to submit a clicktopurchase® offer. No purchaser can submit an offer until the agent is satisfied.

Win Business

Now every professional can offer their clients the ability to provide a superior service to increase business productivity, maximise sales and compliment marketing activities.

Blockchain enables immutable records, a democratic, decentralised ecosystem which provides even more security, transparency and certainty.

clicktopurchase® has created its own Blockchain ecosystem. Our Blockchain has all transaction data stored with wallets created for parties within the property transactions.

Blockchain Stats

Total Blocks: 14135 | Total Assets: 565 | Total Transactions: 53775


In the Press

Get ClickToPurchase

ClickToPurchase is available to all our SV. International Partners. For more information visit the network site.